With the first dietbet I did we were encouraged to consider 3 non-weight goals. I didn't do too well with these but I do feel that it is an excellent idea to carry forward.
My three goals for this bet:
- Walk 5 times a week
- Declutter something daily
- Say a positive affirmation every day
These goals have been carefully chosen to move my life forward in the direction I want to go and are not just focussed on weightloss. I want to be a slimmer, fitter, healthier me and this includes improving the environment around me.
And whilst I'm talking about goals I ought to mention rewards. I tend to struggle with these as part of my lifestyle has previously involved looking at food as a reward - and for obvious reasons I'm not going to carry on with this. I've decided to start a wishlist for things that I would like, those items that really appeal but I then forget about because I don't need them.
My reward for winning the previous dietbet is twofold, a cheap arm pouch for my mobile phone (I do tend to stuff this into my bra a little too often) and a hardback book (Rhodia webbie) to use as my bullet journal. I needed the arm pouch but the book is a full on treat as I normally make do with a cheap sketchbook from The Works. I'm looking forward to trying out a dotty page, my bullet journalling is quick and simple - not at all pinterest-worthy - but suits me.