If only my actions could match what my body needs and my heart truly wants!  I’ve done great really, but minor setbacks have activated the mental melt down that I'm stopping here and now!

I seriously began my journey Sept 2016 with DietBet and StepBet and throw Weight Watchers in there too.  Then the beta Runbet game was introduced and I added Runbet in December 2016 and I was off to the races!

I felt awesome and running became my time!  I had such a sense of accomplishment after I finished each run and the feel good hormones balanced out my mental state too. I used a free C25K app that was a simple walk 60/seconds run 60 seconds that talked me through each workout. The first time I was to run 5 minutes straight I thought I’d just die!

I’ve now ran several 5Ks and a couple 10Ks (winning a 2 place for my age division-50 to 54 even!) and was on my way to the next major milestone a HALF MARATHON!  BUT, the dreaded BUT----

2 Things Happened:

  1. My husband missed me and wanted to join me out on the runs. While I was so touched, I needed to adjust my routine. It was hard and I missed my free-spirited "run-where-I-want" and as long as my body could hold out practices. I had to plan where I was going to run so we could intersect one another or walk/run to help him build his runner self. I loved it, but missed what it once was.
  2. I needed emergency surgery—The gallbladder had cause pancreatitis and I was hospitalized for 4 days, and said goodbye to the gallbladder after 2.5 days on IV liquid only. (I thought I was going to come out 10 pounds lighter, but actually I had gained and was so bloated from the surgery after effects.) The next step was the hardest:  a month of no running, when I so badly needed the mental pick me up and to lose the bloat/pounds.  The scare of pancreatitis killing people and the risk of hernia made me take it super serious as I followed doctor's orders and didn't run, but fell back to old "comfort eating" habits.  Why is that comfort eating when it makes you feel horrible about yourself afterwards? 


On to today, I can’t find my mojo to get dedicated again. Even on a little 2 mile run I feel like I have lead legs and I just don’t want to do it. So, I’m back to my roots of playing a DietBet game; money on the line tends to motivate me!  I have calendared my runs and cross-training off days. I have written up my meal plan for this week; beginning tomorrow morning.  I can and will do this!

Today I weighed in at home at 158.7 and the official weigh in is in a few days.  I’m not waiting for the proverbial “I’ll-Start-Monday” I start now with hopes I will be 158 at game start!

Wishing you all meet your goals and find a rhythm that works for you!

Falling down is part of life, getting back up is living!

  • 207.7:  Starting weight Aug 29, 2016
  • 158.7:  Current weight
  • 154.9    Journey's lowest weight
  • TBD:    Game Goal
  • 148:     Personal goal for now but I may adjust it down --wink-wink--