There are 7 days left until my first ever dietbet is over. In those 7 days I have to "officially" lose almost 2lbs. I weighed today and it says I'm under my dietbet goal, but we'll see how that maintains. I'll keep doing what I'm doing and hoping it stays off and potentially gets some more down.
I've been doing a lot of thinking during this time. I won't call it a diet, because really I need to do this for life. Not for now. Going back to my old ways after I lose weight will ONLY make me gain it back. So I'm trying to find more ways to be and stay active as well as eat appropriately. This also includes accepting that there will be desserts and tacos and fries and all the stuff I am trying to avoid. I think the thing is, to only worry with them when they are happening ALL the time or in large quantities.
Like last night. We have a chocolate fudge pudding bundt cake sitting on our counters. Did I mention that I LOVE chocolate? So, last night my son ate about half of his slice. I WAS going to get my own slice, and I'm not a big advocate of eating your kids leftovers, but I figured why not? 1.) It prevents me from getting a full slice. 2.) It reduces food waste, and I HATE food waste. and 3.) I added strawberries to it and was in hawg's heaven. Was it the BEST choice according to the diet? Of course not. BUT this is real life and that is a BETTER choice and it was better than the original choice I'd made.
So, that was a WIN in my book. A win in doing this as a LIFESTYLE, not a "diet" because this isn't temporary, this is forEVER.