I'm back but.....

Julie Lama

09/27/2014 4:55PM
Wow. Profoundly real. Sounds like you are deeply sad. A big hug. We are human and we all fall. We all have weakness. We all have bad days. We even have things that it is nice to have some help on. Especially those of our emotions. Wheat affects me bad and I have had some tough challenges and adding wheat to the mix makes me an emotional mess. Everything about it is bad for me and my moods. They say you often crave the food that react badly in your body. You have been so honest and real now feel the beautiful person you are inside and stand strong. Not asking you to be perfect, that is a fools errand. But feel your inner strength and turn it to what you desire. Feel how powerful what you want is. Next time you want to eat something bad remember this and how much it means to you more. On an incredibly bad day the food may win or a warm tea. Maybe you will find a bit more strength in that. No one here is perfect. You are in the arms of a group that understand and knows.

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