The Best Version of Me


10/06/2014 8:27PM
Your plan and goals sound awesome! And your'e absolutely right when you say it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. My best advice would be if you have a day where you slip such as during the holidays or vacation, don't get discouraged. We all slip, just shake it off and get back to your healthy lifestyle! We can do this!

MacRitchie likes this comment.


Thanks Bri. I'm trying to be as strict as possible when I am at home and can 'control' my environment. Next week we are on holiday so I may find it more difficult since the food will be prepared by others. But it will be an active holiday!

laura e.

Add a reply...we're headed on holiday next week to - I totally forgot - to the beach. Must control myself!

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Weight lost

-5.1 lbs



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