Well I was right about not being able to squat down on the toilet today haha! DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) from leg day yesterday was killing me at work today. Luckily I work in a physical therapy clinic and could use lots of tools around me to stretch and roll out my muscles when I wasn't busy. And I was happy to find out I wasn't the only sore worker. Our new physical therapist (who just so happens to be tall dark and handsome, and who I have a complete "school girl crush" on) was also sore from leg day and we were both cracking up everytime we had to pick something up off the ground. I should have asked him to stretch me out, hehe ;)
Anyway, back to the important stuff! Work up early again before work today to hit the gym to do some cardio and arms. Waking up early has been a struggle since I'm a night owl and love to sleep in. But my body is starting to get used to it, and the benefits of working out in the morning are definitely noticable. I did the elliptical for 25 minutes at a decent resistance and then did a lot of upper body exercises with free weights. I always try to remember to do upper body because even though I'm content with the way my arms look, nothing helps to burn fat more than gaining muscle. I think a lot of ladies are scared to lift weights in fear that they'll end up looking like a body builder. But light weights with more reps will just help to tone, not bulk! So don't forget to lift ladies! Now both my legs and arms will be sore tomorrow, so that leaves ABS! for my next gym session. I have a lot of floor exercises I've found on pinterest and will be excited to try.
I did well eating today, although I never got a chance to eat a proper dinner. My shift at work was really busy and the opportunity to take a break never really happened. But I did get to snack on some strawberries here and there. One of the patients today brought in two dishes of brownies for all the PT's and aides. I had to carry them back to the break room and they were still hot! Ughhh that was the ultimate test, but I'm proud of myself for not eating one! I munched on my strawberries to try to trick my sweet tooth. My self control has never been very good my whole life with food, so if I can do it, so can anyone else!
Today's Food Diary
- eggwhites, broccoli, sundried tomatoes, Sargento reduced fat shredded Mexican cheese on a whole grain sandwich thin (in case you haven't noticed, I love making eggwhite sandwiches)
- 12 oz hot green tea
- "Lean Cuisine" flatbread. It was the one with chicken, cheese, veggies, and some kind of ranch dressing on it. Delicious, filling, and all under 400 calories!
- about a cup of sliced strawberries
- 12 oz hot green tea
- organic corn tortilla chips with organic salsa (Wegmans brand, it's addicting!)
- about 85 ounces of water throughout the day