DietBet, we meet again


10/22/2014 8:31AM
I tried a six month and I even FORGOT to come back for the weigh in. It was THAT off my radar. I'm not opposed to doing a 6 month one in conjunction with the regular four weekers. Anything is worth another try. The 6 month one I did was a giant anonymous one with Blogilates...I don't even FOLLOW her, I just jumped into a big one.


I think I was in that one too. I won a $75 gift card for from doing one of the regular weigh-ins. I must have figured that was prize enough, because I dropped off right after. This time around, I would put everything on my calendar. Like, weekly weigh-ins, the monthly ones and the final one. I'd plan it better. And I would need you to hound me. I am desperate for your assistance. I don't want you to succeed without me. Isn't that awful?

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