Feeling like crap - Day 5

Mo O.

10/24/2014 6:31AM
It will make a difference! It's most likely water weight. Try your best to have pale yellow pee at all times. The only way to lose weight every day is to have a caloric deficit. Watch your portions, cut your carbs and increase your protein. Aim for a deficit of 500cals every day and you'll start to see the difference. Also, when you exercise, make sure you are sweating for at least 30 minutes.

I think we are in the dollar a day group together, it gives you a calorie target. Hit that target every day, and sweat for 30 minutes at least 3 times a week and you'll start to see a change :) Consistency is key! It took me about a week for me to start losing weight. I ate something I shouldn't have and gained 3lbs of water the day after this challenge started. I stuck to my exercise plan and my caloric goals, and I'm finally starting to make progress Stay strong! We are in this together!!

Spencer S.

you shouldn't aim to have yellow pee, that means your dehydrated. drinking water is not only healthy but it actually promotes dieting bc you are less hungry. The only way drinking a ton of water hurts weight is if you are eating very salty foods, that should be avoided dieting anyway.

Mo O.

Oh I know. Drinking a glass of water before meals not only promotes adequate hydration, it helps you to eat fewer calories. That's why I said to aim for PALE yellow. Clear urine is an indication of over hydration, and in people with healthy kidneys, you will always pee off the extra hydration. "Traditional" yellow urine is a warning sign for dehydration. Dark yellow is an indicator of dehydration. (Full Dosclosure: I'm an ICU Nurse)

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