This vacation is comming to an end soon. Friday we get home to rainy november sweden. But tomorrow we are going for a long and intense bikeride - probably the last one.
Yesterday I was so tired after a intense ride the day before and also some pms comming over me. I had to struggle but made it quite good anyway. Today I feel normal and menatally stable. Food is ok and we just took a little ride for 36 km.
Learnings: 1) I get tired the day after I do intense exercise (duuh?) 2) eating helps 3) But if I want to loose weight I need to stay under a sertain limit of food 4) That slows down the recovery and leaves me more tired anyway 5) tiredness is my #1 trigger for cravings from hell 6) I need to balance and time my intake better for optimal recovery 7) and be mentally prepared that I may be tired and have cravings after.
As we are going for a big ride tomorrow (planning 110 km/68 miles) I will be ready to maby have thouse same cravings the day after again. I will see to it that I eat better during the ride and see if that makes a difference.
This is the first vacation I have rode on a racerbike and for sucha long distances. I can now officially call this a proper bikingvacation. :-) and myself a biker maby ;-)
This two weeks I´ve been in Spain I can see a difference in my body. Fat is comming off. Nice. Hopefully I will keep it going eventhou I can´t workout as much as here at home. There´s too much everyday stress so the body woun´t tolerate 4 hours on the bike 5 days a week even if I can find the time. I look forward to getting back to my deadlifts, squats and stuff in the gym, here I have only been biking. Maby my legs has become stronger, lets see. Want to incorporate some spinningclasses so I will be even more fit when we return to spain in december.
So for today my cravings from hell is not and I feel happy again. :-)
Take care everyone!!