Ok, here I go again this time of month. Period in a couple of days.

I have had 2 weeks of flow. Eating 1200 most days. Nice. Feeling slimmer and fitting nicely into clothes more and more.

Now, selfsabotage have hit. It´s a sure thing when things go a bit too well and Im getting slimmer and therefore loosing my motivation.

This week I have had 3 eating days of aprox 2500 cals each and more than 1200 the other days too. The first day - tuesday - was really good and I felt that my body really needed a reset after going too hard in the gym and eating too little. so that was great. But the other days I have used exuses as "I am working hard (leading seminars) today and need to not focus on my eating but doing my job well instead." and today: "I was up 0400 and travelled a lot and this f-ed up my rutine, did you say cake?". And tonight I even went into PMS-exuse "Oh, but I usually need more food and have a harder time keeping my diet on trak at PMS-times ... so I guess I eat more sweets :-). Yes! indeed!"

Ok, so, am I done with exuses?

Sad to say but probably not. I´m sittng here thinking hard, really trying to not b-shit.

I remember starting this exuses-game as a little chubby girl.

Exuses is a way to put the blame of my own bad behavour outside of myself. It´s a way to feel better about something I acctraually feel bad about, and shound so do. It´s disguiseing my problem making it esier to fail.

If I choose to eat in a destructiv manner its my choise and I am to blame if anyone/anything and if I feel ashamed for or guilt because of my weakness (everyone is weak sometimes) that is my shame and guilt and yes, a bit of shame and guilt is called for when hurting myself. Because I matter.

Instead of trying to justify my destructive behavout with an exuse I coud say inside my head: "I choose to eat this now, this is my own desition. Nothing anyone can say (or anything I can think) will make this bad desition a good one. Because it is not a good one."

To summarize: The problem is mine. I want to own up to it. It´s all me. I see that now. If I will succeed to stop my exuses? I dont know.


By the way, the picture is me 83 kgs 2011 and me about 58 kgs 2012.