Oh dear, here are my exuses for f-ing upp my eating this week:
- I had PMS.
- I had my period.
- I feel like a cold is comming on.
- I was/am tired.
- I had a headace 3 days in a row.
Bad planning:
- I was working too much.
- I was travelling.
- I wasnt prepared enught for my courses.
- I was nervous about hosting two courses with people I didnt know.
- I was a bit hungry with no food and in a hotelroom with a minibar! (expensive misshap!)
Mentally tired:
- I just finished a 4 day education myself wich made a dramatic inpact on my self concept.
I have eaten about a weeks worht of progress. Tiering.
I red a book by the leader of the upshaking course I took and he tells about working with overweight pppl in it. I recognize the way he describes as the weight goes down the motivation dissapears because the we know what we dont want but not what we do want. Last time on dietbet I had a image in my mind that I would be fit as Suzka Light. I think that´s what made me go so low in weight. But then, what will I do when I reach the weight Im happy with? I have to think more about that because all I know is being dissatisfied and dieteing. Onr thing is for sure. I do need to stop with the excuses. Because if I cant even face thouse I listed above, chanse is life will bring me up in weight pritty easy becasue that is pritty much light distresses. Its time for me to face life as an adult and start to take responsability. To be continued.