Okej guys, I´m in a dilemma. I need to loose about 3 kgs in 18 days and one part of me says I will not be able to do it and suggests that I go with my slow pace and focus on winning my 5-6 mounths of my 6 mounths-game. Another part of me says that if I am going for winning this round I can add some motivation by joining a one-mounth game over x-mas.
A year ago when I won my first one month I got a little bit overexited and overdid my second game ate too little and ended up getting a backlash wich gave me +10 kg in the nextcomming year.
I joined a 6 months challenge because I liked the slow pace and longterm commitment. If I go as I have been this 2 first months I will not start win untill the end. I have lost bouth round 1 and 2 this far and I think it´s going too slow right now, I could really need some motivation.
My consern is that I will overdo it again and I dont want to crash and regain again.
If I am ok with loosing round 3 I could focus on winning round 4. That would mean I have to loose about 4 kg in 2 months wich is about the rate I can loose fat without hating my life and fiddeling with waterretantion to reach my weightgoal.
As I´m writing now it seems clear to me that I need to not go into my old patterns of overdoing it, crashing and regain. I was actrually reaching for my visacard to pay for a one month challenge of $ 100 right before I stopped myself and wrote this post instead. I think it was a wise desition to stop myself and reflect. I want so much and so fast but I have my limits of my capebility. Better stay within thouse limits. I dont want to be caught in yoyo-dieting and I want to build on longterm lifestyle change.
Ok, I have now decided: my new goal is to win round nr 4 and if I happen to win round 3 it is a great bonus but I´m not counting on it. My personal goal for round 3 is 64 kg.
Have a great and slow day everybody!