So out first week is almost done here at Luscious for Winter with Scola Dondo and I couldn't be happier! This week, so far, I've been running 6km each day, exept for thursday when I had my restday. And do day, I ran incredible 10km! I'm so proud of my self and can't wait to keep up this new routine. I promise my self, that I will run 10km at least one time each week for this challenge. That's only a total of 30km left, and I know I can do it!
My eatinghabits is quite alright. I know that I have to work on the portionsizes and that I maybe have my last snack a bit late at nighte.. I'll have to work on that.
This week I had following routine
08.00 Wake up, eat a banana and drink some water
08:15 Out for a 6km run
09:00 Light breakfast
13:00 Lunch
16:00 Snack
19:00 Dinner
20:30 Snack
I wish I could skip that last snack, and that will be my goal for next week! No food after 19:00!
I've found this 8 week work out routine, through Shonda1020 (@Twitter and Instagram) and thinking I might give it a try! Have a look guys: