This seems to be a common theme right now for a number of us, so I started out thinking I would write something about it but decided to see what I could find online first. There is a lot of great stuff out there! Below I’ve copied addys for a few sites I found helpful followed by the part(s) that strongly resonated with me. Hope there’s something here to help you too.

“It’s perspective, and right now North America’s perspective is mixed up.”

“No diet or exercise program can succeed if your mind is working against you.”

“You don’t want to give the whiner any traction.”

”At the end of each day, grab a pen and jot down one thing you did that day that made you feel like you were making progress, even if the day sucked in general.”

“And while there's no getting around the need to exercise and eat healthier, long-term weight loss starts in your head.”

If you want to succeed at weight loss, you need to "cut the mental fat, and that will lead to cutting the waistline fat," says Pamela Peeke, MD, author of Fit to Live. "Look at the patterns and habits in your life that you are dragging around with you that get in the way of success."

“But the key to weight loss isn't in your diet or what supplements you're taking. No, it's in your mind and your ability to take constant consistant action in the present.”

“And it all starts in your mind. Priming your mind for a change in your diet is the most important thing you must do before starting a diet.”

“As you change your limiting beliefs about yourself, you'll change the results you've been getting with weight loss.”

“I have found that I am much better off just letting the past go and when those additional “negative” thoughts come to me to tell myself that they are just thoughts and they are don’t have to be my reality.”

“I’ve also noticed that overweight people tend to not like to discuss the mental part of weight loss.”

“I feel something is left out of the conversation. The intangible presence of the mental game is hardly mentioned. By this, I mean the strategies, thoughts, and internal behaviors you need to follow to ensure you own success.”

“If I'm going to be "bad" I'm going to eat everything I can think of and make sure I do no exercise. If I'm being "good" I eat nothing crappy and stick to my exercise routine, unfortunately there is no middle ground.

“In addition to visualizing your goals, come up with a phrase that states what you are striving for, and speak it out loud when doing your exercises. Some of the phrases I used when I was losing my weight were, "Every day I am getting fitter, healthier, stronger." If you say this over and over, and you are not what you are speaking, your mind will sense a mismatch and then have to adjust to make the connection.”

“People who use a lot of "BUTS" usually have a big one.” This one was just too funny to not include. LOL