It alway's amazes me that every Sunday that I actually attend church the messages seem to match my current weekly situation. It is amazing and awesome. Today it covered promises. What does your word mean?, is actually the title. 

Often in the dietbet active feed people talk about cheating, giving in, or having a bad day. After finishing both of Chris Powell's books one of the main things he covers is about keeping your promises to yourself. Today's church message kind of blends with that. Why is it that we all can't keep our promises to ourselves? Cheat day here, skipped gym sessions there. If we can't keep our word to ourselves, how can we keep our word to others?

I don't know about anyone else but I do not like making promises that I can not keep to others. But honestly I have no problem convincing myself not to get up early to work out or not skipping on something I shouldn't eat. Shouldn't I be as upset about breaking my word to myself as I am about breaking my word to others?

So this week I am going to work on keeping the promises I make to myself. I want to be a woman of my word to myself not just others.

Keeping it moving with a little bit of extra pep.