I'm glad your body image is getting better. It'll probably take a while for your brain to catch up to your body. Stare at yourself in the mirror sometimes. That'll help your brain connect to reality. You have a lot more heavy snapshots in your head right now and need to replace them. As far as others go, a trick that I've used is to switch it from losing weight to gaining something. For instance, someone mentions the weight I've lost and I gush about how I demonstrated a frog hop on deck to my water aerobics students and couldn't believe how easy it was to do. It's REALLY hard to disagree or disparage something like that. When people ask how much I plan on losing, I don't give them a number. The number is for me and those I trust with it. I tell them I'm listening to by body. I'm eating healthy, exercising, getting enough water and sleep, and letting my body decide what the scale will say. Hard to argue with that and you've already slipped in the treating my body right part. Congrats.
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