Hobo Band 15. diet soda 16.cold turkey?


12/05/2014 10:25AM
I was addicted to diet Coke for years...my drug of choice! I tried quitting so many times and always felt horrible...thinking much the way you are now about the sugar substitutes as well. My success at it was a very long (and sometimes uncomfortable road)- I didn't go cold turkey. First I cut back on half the dCokes I was drinking, and as an alternative I drank tea with honey. Then about a month later I cut the caffeine in half again by using half no caffeine tea and I drank one small can of dCoke a day. This entire time I was drinking a cup of coffee every morning as well. The third month the dCoke went byebye, but I kept the coffee and 1/2 caf tea. The next month it was 1/2 caf coffee to start the day...then the last three months or so I kept cutting the caffeine until it was gone. It really took me nearly a year!

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Clothes Pony

oh wow! thank you for this great advice. I did have coffee this morning, so maybe that's why I still feel fine. I love mocha smoothies so I will do as you suggest and keep my coffee for a while and see how I feel as I ease off that too. Thank you!!


All my best! It is not easy, but getting completely off caffeine was one of the best things I did for my body!

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