Amy, I think these feelings would resonate with most of the people on this DB. You are not alone. It might be helpful to keep a copy of this blog nearby. Whenever you're feeling like you need motivation to get moving or eat right, read it. Don't run from the feeling of despair -- acknowledge it (you're allowed to feel that way!), then try to dissect it (what exactly is causing it) & then destroy it; come up with small goals to help beat that feeling. Maybe it's just getting up 5-10 mins earlier than usual and stretching, or doing some breathing exercises. Surely you could make room for just 5 minutes, considering how important your health is to you and those who love you. Or maybe it's turning off the TV while you eat so you pay attention to how full you feel. The latter wont take you any extra time. Finally, be sure to celebrate your accomplishments! you are seven lbs lighter today! That is something to be proud of. Feel free to msg me at any time. we're all here for you!
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