3 Weeks 3 days in - Wanted to quit!

Juliana da Mata

07/17/2014 12:15AM
Hey Tommy. Thanks for sharing. I have good news, usually in the first 2-3 weeks your body is still adapting to the changes, after a month you will start seeing changes, after 2 months your friends will start talking about it and seeing it as well and after 3 months consistently behaving yourself then the whole world will notice the changes. You just need to keep going! That's the secret does not matter the results, just keep going.

And Also, drink LOADS of water everyday so you body stop retaining water, be careful with sodium (salt) cause that makes your body hold water as well, and focus on your diet and exercise. You can definitely DO IT!

And make the "I think I'll join a gym really soon" reality DOING IT TODAY, not soon, BUT TODAY ;)

Let's make it happen! Good luck to us all

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