My siblings are both suffering from anorexia. My sister has gotten a lot better and gained the weight needed to be considered healthy but my brother ended up in the hospital last week New Years Eve and was forced to stay overnight. I felt helpless and still do everytime I see his frail body. I keep telling him to "just eat healthy." but how can I, his older sister, tell him to take care of himself when I have gained 10lbs from eating fast food and not exercising everyday in the past year? I realize it's hard for him to eat now because his body isn't functioning properly and he feels sick everytime he tries to eat more. It's also hard to not get angry with him when he starts to slip into his completely non-eating ways. I want to show him that if I can get my body healthy after all these years, so can he.

The last four days I have been walking 2-4 miles, eating Lean Cuisines, and avoiding soda. I hadn't known about this weight loss challenge until January 3rd when my mom encouraged me to look into it. I promised myself I wouldn't look at the scale until halfway through the month because the scale does the opposite of motivate me because I never feel like I've lost the amount I should have so in the past I've ended up giving up after a week. Well for this challenge I had to for the picture but I'll avoid the scale for another 2 weeks and then the way in. Good luck to all!