So this month was pretty interesting. After the first week I realized I wasn't going to get very far eating lean cuisines this month to hit that goal so I switched to a salad with tea at lunch and a lean cuisine with tea at dinner and luckily that seemed to do the trick. Rarely did I feel deprived because I knew when i got home after work there'd be a delicious lean cuisine pizza waiting for me. And as far as walking goes I did better than I had anticipated. I walked 4 miles just about every day (except Saturday) and even on super busy days where i didn't get home until late I at least went a mile or two. At the end of this month i felt like I wasn't walking enough because my legs no longer hurt by the end of the walk so I'll definately be pushing myself this new month by longer walks and introducing more exercises. I'm so happy I was able to make my goal weight even though I had hoped to lose a bit more. The last few days were the hardest not to be discouraged when I stepped on the scale. It was at 154.2lbs Thursday and Friday and I was worried it'd stick but over the weekend I was really good about my diet and exercise and last night the scale was 153.6lbs exactly! And today on my weigh in it was 153.4lbs!

As far as my family goes my brother is still struggling and I'm trying to stay positive so I will leave it at that for now.