Today I start on Chris's Bod-e diet I am doing the turbo diet in his collection which consists of 2 low carb days 1 high carb followed by 2 more low carb and 1 high carb day with my cheat day on Sunday.

This weekend it was hard for me to make the right choices and I didn't get anywhere in my steps. It seems to me that on the weekends it just sucks as I am sucked into eating out, eating excessive amounts of food and not exercising, this weekend I only got in 5,000 steps each day. It seems to me whenever I am off routine, which is the weekends I am unable to control myself, BUT I am hoping this carb cycling diet will work around that and help me not eat after dinner and not splurge on chocolate junk food on the weekends.

This is todays plan:

5:30am Wake Up

5:45-6:15am get ready for work

6:15 9min mission workout I did 2 sets of 15 on situps, leglifts, and 1 min plank

6:30 I took the dog for a 1/2 mile walk

6:45-7:30 Chocolate Protien Shake

9:30 Ham and Swiss Rollup

Forcast the rest of the day

12:30 Turkey patty with salsa and parm side of carrots

3:00 Protein Shake with Mozzerella and Tomato with light pepper

3:30-4 or 4:30 Head to Gym cardio since it is pouring out today I will be unable to get my mile walk in with my dog

4:30 pick up son from camp
4:45 work on fine motor skills

5:30 start dinner since it is raining I am going to have to swap the steak out to the lime chicken dish as the grill doesnt work when its raining

6:00pm eat dinner
6:30-7:30 activites with my son

8:00pm-10pm Movie Time

Usually this doesn't happen because I have a social media addiction so my day is gone before I realize it but during this diet I am going to try to curb my addiction to social media to only a 1/2 hour while my son is up and then whatever after he goes to bed. I need to spend more time with him as he will be starting kindergarten in 5 weeks and is growing up so fast. Till tomorrow everyone.

Keep up the great work!! I am going to weigh in on Wednesday again.