My Dietbet experiences so far 2/3/2015

Nathan A.

02/08/2015 6:44AM
Thanks for the very inspriational read. I'm just getting started in dietbet, but I have started in a similar way as you - I paid for one, then another 1 month, and added a 3rd 1 month, plus a 6 month. So I'm in 4 dietbets now. I feel pretty confident about losing far I'm down 7.5 lbs, and I need 10 to win my 1 month dietbets, and I have about 10 days to go. I'm pretty sure I can do it. I use MyFitnessPal for everything food related, and for me, I think thats the key so far. My first big goal is to go from an obese BMI (30+) down to just Overweight. It feels like I'm headed there fast so far, but I'm expecting to hit some kind of plateau relatively soon. Good to read about your awesome experience. It made me think about Yoga, but I'm not sure I'm ready for that one...yet. :) Thanks again, and be well!

GeminiWitch83 Amanda

That is awesome! Thank you for sharing your journey with me. It sounds like you are doing awesome! Keep going and you will reach all of your goals! I hear a lot of great stuff about my fitness pal and I know I could sync it to my fitbit, but for now, I really like just doing everything in the one app. Im glad your plan is working for you! That's inspirational too! The journey is different for everyone. The key is to find what works best for hoe body. You can listen to advice from others, but if something else works better for you; well then, you have to do what's right for you. Again, great job and thanks for sharing with me!

GeminiWitch83 Amanda

Also, don't be afraid to try Yoga. My favorite instructor for beginners is Suzanne Deason. Her videos are very slow and gentle and perfect for starting with Yoga in your home. I first bought some of her videos used on Amazon or ebay. She has some free videos on one of the yoga channels on Hulu plus I think. She has videos on Gaiam tv - my yoga online which is what method I use most often for Yoga because they have loads of other videos too. They even have a beginners guide on there too. Don't be afraid to try it. It is amazing!

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-48.4 lbs



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