I've been stuck for the past few years in a grief filled rut after losing my infant son. The depression seemed to ease up a year and half ago. I started working out 3 times a week, but my diet and drinking alcohol was not healthy. The scale didn't budge. They say you can't out train an unhealthy diet and boy are "they” right!

My son Nathan was born June 8, 2011 and passed away June 15th, 2011. To this day I'm still trying to lose the baby weight.  One would think not having a baby to care for would give me all the time in the world to workout, but I could barely get out of bed the first year.

I've been focused and motivated since mid-Jan of this year and am already down 10 lbs. I have another 10 to go to be my pre pregnancy weight. That is my first goal. The thing is a few days before I found out I was pregnant I joined Weight Watchers because I wanted to lose 10 lbs. Once I found out I was pregnant I ate like it was a free for all.  

My scale goals are not as aggressive today as they were when I joined WW to get down to 128 because I have a lot more muscle than I used to have, but losing a few more lbs than pre-prego would be icing on the cake!

I found DietBet at the perfect time and joined 3 DietBets. One started this past Monday, another today and another starts in less than 2 weeks.  I am very hopeful that these challenges will motivate me to get to my goal+. The timing actually could not be better; the last DietBet ends the day I leave for vacation with my husband to Mexico.

Here is the plan I have been following that has helped me lose 10 lbs in 4 weeks:

(Disclaimer: I am no expert. I started out in mid-Jan weighing 158 and am 5 2' I am currently 148, pre-pregnancy I was 138.  Icing on the cake for me now is 132-135.  These are some tips that have been working for me the past few weeks.)

  • Drink 80 oz of water a day. Only other drinks are herbal and green teas.
  • Try to eat around 1250 - 1300 calories a day. Spread out into 6 smaller meals/snacks.
  • I ask myself if everything I'm putting in my mouth is nourishing me in some way.  Eat for nourishment.
  • Track everything I'm eating.
  • Avoid processed foods.
  • Cut way back on wheat and flour products.  Avoid sugar. Still have the occasional slice of toast with breakfast.
  • Basically only eating meats, lots of veggies, cottage cheese, eggs (lots of hard boiled eggs also egg whites), nuts and small amounts of fruits.  Using a Nutribullet for Veggie smoothies.
  • Only have alcoholic drinks one night a week.
  • Workout 6 days a week for at least an hour (mix of small group classes w/ weights and walking/jogging.)
  • Take a daily probiotic.

The first week was hard for me and I had lots of sugary cravings.  By mid-week into the 2nd I found my groove. Cravings are gone. My mood and spirts have been lifted.  I finally feel like I can do this! After I hit my goal weight I'd like to stick to this plan and add in the occasional cheat. That sounds like something I can live with.

Well this is the journey I'm going through. Good luck in your weight loss journey!

What healthy eating and exercise tips do you have for losing weight?