So I have done a couple of dietbets before, but I never actually tried with any of them.   I literally just gave away my $60 for no reason whatsoever.  I didn't commit.  Not even a little bit.  THIS diebet definitely changed the way I was thinking.  I lost roughly 16 pounds in 4 weeks.  I completely changed the way and the amount that I was eating.  Cut my sugar intake by about 90%.  Upped my water and veggie intake.  No more fatty red meats regularly.  Lean protein.  I've gotta be honest in saying that I didn't exercise at all during the entire dietbet.  I made a commitment to myself that I will start training for a 5k when I hit 180 lbs.  I am currently at 186.  I have been liftin weights on occasion.  I really want to tone up my arms.  I have never been able to see my biceps, regardless of my weight. I really want to be able to do a pushup, and I literally haven't been able to for well over 15 years.


A little bit about me: I am 27.  I am 5'10''.  I am good at losing weight.  I am better at gaining weight.  In the last 5 years I have probably lost and gained well over 100 lbs.  I lost 45 lbs and got all the way down to 148 lbs once, which is my ideal weight, and then ballooned back up to 203 pounds.  I have never seen the scale above 200 before and it scared the bejesus out of me.  I will NEVER EVER go back to that weight.  I will commit to this new lifestyle.  I have made it four weeks, and I feel a lot better about myself for doing it.  

I have to be honest in saying that the dietbet was a motivator for me, but it was probably less so than other people.  It was more like a.....let's make money doing what I would have already been doing anyway.  The support, however, is very important, and I think that it is an invaluable part of this program.


At any rate, I will continue to participate in dietbets until I have reached my goal weight of 145/150 lbs.  Let's see how much I can make, and how much I can lose :-)



PS- I'm going to the Bahamas on April 6th, I know I won't hit my goal by then, but I am trying for 175!