
08/02/2014 7:21PM
I've been there Diana! I'm actually breaking from that place now. sometimes you have to shock your body out of that rut of gaining. Do something that you aren't used to because our bodies can get used to the same routine. Some days I try fasting with liquids only for 12 hours at least once a week. I also had to cut out meat from most of my meals. I've done smoothie cleanses as well and I lost 14 pounds in 10 days. it's all about planning and staying consistent. It's ALL MIND OVER matter.Also, Direct your language to more affirmations and say "No matter what I lose weight and my body is a healthy temple that is obeying my command to stay fit".. I firmly believe in the power of our words. I understand your title for your blog..this is just an affirmation..Lastly take your workout to the next level. I mean become vicious in your routines, take charge and make it happen! I call it kick your own a&@ in the gym.My motto is if it ain't hurtin, it ain't workin. I hope this helps Cheers!

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