I may be a little late to the game, but I am here now! Even though the scale showed a POINT 2 gain this morning, I will NOT be sidetracked! I am not giving up! I will beat this. My body seems to want to hold on to the weight lately (which is totally NOT normal for me). This is definitely throwing me for a loop, but I just started (yesterday) being really strict and before that it was days and weeks of "crap". So, I am going to give my body some time to adjust to the shock I am obviously putting it through! lol Poor body!


I did some prepping yesterday and have just a little bit more to do today and I will be good for the 5 days (at least)! I even prepped breakfast for my husband (although, he would not allow any veggies...weird man). 


I think sodium may be playing a role in my body holding on to the weight as well, so I will be focussing on my sodium intake as well (too late for breakfast, but I still have the rest of the day). I got this!


I am going to show this weight who is boss!