I just want to go back to feeling like I did in the summer/fall of 2010. I had never felt more beautiful and healthy. I've been taking more control and initiative to get in shape over the passed 5 months. I've been learning alot through trial and error. These have been some things that I've learned: 

So here are some of the "rules" that have helped me become disciplined, motivated and focused to get into shape.

1. Feel good in you work out clothes
Before I started to really get in the habit of exercise I wore frumpy shirts and stretchy pants. But then I realized how pretty I feel when I wear pink and good fitted clothes! so I went to TJ MAX and ROSS and I bought a new pretty in pink workout wardrobe for cheap! I felt so pretty in my work out clothes it made me want to have a excuse to wear it AKA the work out!

2. Start slow but commit
Dedicate your self to at least one good work out a week. Whether it's a class or a good run , build up to more work out time and difficulty once you have noticed that you are able to establish a habit and work out routine. Commit your self that time to get fit. Involve your partner to either work out with you or at least help you with responsibilities so that you can add more work out time. Express to your partner that you need to commit to this for your future goals. No excuses!!!! Be as committed to this as your are in the relationship with your partner.

3. Food is not about guilt, but about accountability
Make the decision to eat healthier food choices. Nourish your body with food that offers your the most nutritional value with the fewest calories. Exchange food that you would normally eat with a healthier alternative. There will also be those days when you give into cravings and indulge in munchies. Don't feel guilty, take control and do something about it. So you had some ice cream...and maybe chocolate.....so what? Work it out, you made the choice to eat unhealthy now make the choice to burn those extra calories:-) Get moving!

4. Set goals, then document/share your progress and success
Write down what you want to accomplish. Think about where you want to be in half a year with fitness, health and physical well being. Weigh your self in the morning once a week, and weigh your self on the same date every month.....say the end of the month. Weigh your self not so that you can obsess about it but so that you can see the changes you have made as a result of working towards your goals! Take before and after pictures and share them with your support group! Brag about how great you feel. People will always be happy to hear that you are doing good!

5. Respect yourself, make smart decisions
Remember first and fore most that you want to be fit and healthy for you. Do not over do anything to the extreme. Eat balanced, drink water, sleep enough hours, rest if you are injured or sick. Find time to relax. Honor your goals and respect yourself enough to make healthy changes in your life. This is not just for vanity and fitting into that pair of skinny jeans again. This is so that you can take great care of yourself in the long run. Eventually all your new changes will become routine and it will feel natural to embrace a healthy lifestyle.