Lost my last four dietbets.  So, I'm on a losing streak.  


But enough about that.  Two things struck me this week.

Firstly, a good friend lost her uncle, largely unexpectedly, in horrible circumstances.  Having gone through similar with mum, I can appreciate the unreality of it all, and the range of dark emotions she would have been going through for the last couple months, and will go through for the next few months and years.  But it's life - when you get to a certain age, people older than you whom you love, start to die, and it's always awful.  The worser thing (it's not a word, but I don't care) would be for our elders to outlive us.  So you get through it, albeit changed, after months of depression, crying, disbelieving, anger, loneliness.  And grateful for the time, experience and love you had with then.  At the end of the day, they helped form you into you, so a little bit of them lives on in you, which people recognise so so often.

The other things is Gaza.  There have been intafadas before, but this one seems different.  It's harrowing.  It affects you.  It finally seems like the world is waking up to the largely one-sided horrors being inflicted there.  I'm starting to have horrific nightmares of screaming dead kids shouting at me, and I then in that dream turn to mum to tell her, and the words don't come out.  I could post pictures here which would make you weep.  I've wept more in the past fortnight than the past year.

Both of these things made me realise how lucky we are, both myself, and you reading this.  That to not reach your full potential in what is a relatively easy, comfortable existence, to languish any lower due to procrastination, laziness, lack of motivation, planning, commonsense, is a life wasted.  

Which is where I've been, and will stop being.  It's time to wise up.  Get healthier.  Get fitter.  Get more self-respect.  Stop the death march to an early grave, with those last few steps and crawls full of needless suffering.

Which is why I'm here, again.    Hi!