The weekend was good. I'm a little sore - I had signed up for a 10K with some friends, but with the general craziness of life, I hadn't been running for the past three weeks or so.

In the end, I was slow, but I finished, and I'm proud of myself for doing it. Now these same friends want to do another 10K in a few weeks, and a half marathon in October. I think I'm going to do it.

Dietbet progress is good - I'm down some weight, right where I need to be. I'm feeling like I'm back on track, which is a relief.

I think I posted before about winning a weight-loss competition at my local rec center - well, I think that I went way overboard with my eating - saying no to every little thing, depriving myself all the time (while trying to keep up enough calories that I can function). It wasn't something I could live with long-term.

When it ended, I went way back the other way - not paying attention to what I was eating at all, saying yes to EVERYTHING. Also not a long-term solution. Not if I want to stay healthy.

So for this diet bet, I'm attempting to find a middle ground. I'm saying no to a lot of stuff, but I want a dessert every so often. I want to be able to go out to dinner with my wife.

I just have to be able to do it without stuffing myself at any all-you-can-force-down places. And I can make better choices.

Once these 4 weeks are over, I am hoping that a much less radical eating plan will allow for a much smaller swing in the food direction at the end.

So moving forward, trying to find balance in my life, is the order of the day.