I forgot to turn my computer back on this morning to type my exercise log once I finished my exercises for the 11th.  I will edit this tonight when I wake up to display it in the form I usually use describing each specific challenge and the exercises off of each.  I am doing a quick version of it on my phone for now, just to get the exercises down.  


I xompleted 20 knee push ups, 10 squats, 10 pointed butt lifts each side, 10 fire hydrants each side, 9 heel kicks each side, 10 roll ups, 10 ankle reaches, 10 double leg lifts, 9 reverse crunches, 10 plié squats, 10 leg swings each side, 10 side lunges each side, 9 side leg lifts each side, 12 side planks each side (knees), 12 Russian twists, and 17 bicycle crunches.  


I also finished more than 6,500 steps snd 3 miles.


I started way later after midnight on the exercises than usual.  I was super excited tonight/this morning.  I recently found out that I may be adopting a new dog this weekend.  I lost one of my fur-babies (the one in my picture) in November 2013, and I lost my other fur-baby in Decemver 2014.  I have grieved for both of these girls for awhile and it has gotten very lonely without having a dog.  I don't work out of the home.  I spend most of my time at home, and a lot of it by myself.  I really miss having the companionship of a dog.  I don't want to replace either of my last two fur-babies who were 14.  Or the one we lost before that at 18 in 2007 or even the one I lost in high school at 2.  I have had dogs my entire life, and it had been very hard without one.  We have been looking at Petfinder and websites for local shelters trying to find the right one, and all the signs seem to be pointing towards one girl at this time.  I get to go meet her Saturday and see how it goes.  I was super excited by this and spent a long time looking at more dogs on petfinder tonight before I started my exercises.  


I hope everyone has a great day!