hey there,


I know, I said I was going to write a blog everyday but that didn't quite worked out.. Oh well, I kinds used to it... I'm not much of a blogger.


well good news: I didn't fell off the band waggon after the first week Hooray! I keep messuring (almost) everything... I admit, I eyeballed my dinner tonight but I was sooooo hungry that if I didn't start eating as soon as possible, I felt like I was going to devour the fridge so I'm didn't measure and weigh everything but I kept me from eating things I wasn't supposed to..

and I'm down 5.8 pounds.. My goal for this bet was about 10 pounds so I'm getting there!

I've also built my motivationnal board last night! I've put up inspiring quotes along with mini clothes pin to represent pounds lost and pounds left to loose. I've set my board in my walkin closet so I walk past it every day (c:  hopefully it will help (c:

I went for a run last night wih my dog.. It went well.. My calf still hurts, hopefully I'll still be able to run my 5k... If not I'll run/walk it... I'm not giving up! I'm meeting my personnal trainner tomorrow night so I'll talk to her about it... I'm sure she'll find solutions.


have a nive evening!

