AH! I MADE IT!! I’M SO HAPPY!!! I knew I could do it and I did! I weighed in this morning and was astounded to see 82.5. I was a solid 85 kgs throughout all of high school meaning this is the best shape I have ever been in my life! And it feels so good because I worked for it!! Let me tell you running 5 times a week is NOT easy. But I am so glad to be seeing results. I never see results! (Because I was never consistent lol)

But anyways yesterday went really well. I had clean egg muffins for breakfast and avocado. Lunch was alright it was rice, shrimp tempura, and tofu soup (salt, salt, salt; I kind of love that I am becoming so aware of it.) Then in order to prepare for my school’s graduation I was moving a bunch so I logged in 5,000 more steps than usual go me! I also went for a 30 minute walk after lunch.

I think I am going to make those 30 minute walks an everyday thing. I mean why not? It’s Spring!

I got home, put my clothes on and went for a run. My knee was kind of hurting at the beginning and end but today I have a cross-training day so I wasn’t really worried. That pavement is not good on my knees but alas,  it’s all I have.

If only all days could be like this!! But “life” is always making it a challenge for me. It’s alright though. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. 1 Month down, 5 Months to go. Bring it.


  • Breakfast: Clean Egg Muffin, Avocado
  • Lunch: Shrimp Tempura, Rice, Tofu Soup
  • Dinner: Spinach, Green Peas, Broccoli, and Salmon
  • Snacks: Protein Shake, Peanut Butter, Celery, Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip cookie from friend ( 246 calories but I worked it off! Hehe. Thank you 30 min. walk for helping me with that)


Sleep: 7.5 Hours

Water: 4 Liters

Exercise: 7 km walk/jog/run