So I have a small dietbet game.   SMALL - right now we only have 4 members showing.  (one is signed up but not paid so he doesn't show on the list)  I hope I can get 5 more members. I think that would be a nice number.

My goal, with such a small group, is that we have 100% winners!

My next goal is to share recipes and activities daily - and to encourage others to do the same! Wouldn't that be great! If we had 10 people sharing daily what they are eating to stay on thier calorie count and what activities are being done to meet thier healthy fit lifestyle!  I think it would be excellent!

AND I also will encourage a daily selfie! What? Why? Because, and this is so interesting to me, I used to HATE myself in pictures, but I have found over the past year of taking selfies not quite daily but often, and messaging them to my husband, I think i like myself more!  I think that part of being overweight, isn't just the love of food, but the unlove of the person in the mirror.  So a daily selfie, I hope will change that!  Especially if they are done with an attitude of FUN!

OK so as the dietbet organizer, that is what I hope makes my dietbet stand out!  I hope you will consider my dietbet on your path to reaching your goals!


Louise Nottingham