That sucks eggs. Nothing about this whole thing is easy, really. Easy is eating whatever my fool self wants, when I want it and sitting in the recliner watching TV while doing so. But, easy also gets us to a point in life where things - everyday things - get hard. Then we're royally screwed. I'm also one of those folks I think you mentioned in another blog post who are the healthy overweight. None of my numbers are screaming unhealthy (except for a slightly elevated BP). So we make the hard decision to change our life and then we hit a bump in the road. That's what your ankle problem is. A bump. You'll find a way over it, or around it. Because you decided that you're worth it. You might try I've found lots of things on there that I can do. I'm a little bit limited because of a spinal fusion (two plates and four screws) from 2008 and a cervical laminectomy in 2011. Her workouts really focus on core strength and there are lots of floor workouts to choose from.
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