Day 2 - Weighing Regularly, and New Goal for Today

Kathryn C.

01/15/2015 1:11PM
I have gotten back in the habit of logging food and caloric drinks in my Weight Watchers app. I still stalk around my cubicle looking for sweet snacks, but I silently chastise myself when I do. You always think it's going to be easy the first day because you have told yourself to have a different mind-set. I just have to realize whether I'm on the first day or the last day, I must maintain my strength of will and believe in the mantra that nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. Not always easy to tell yourself that when you want a small, teeny, tiny piece of dark chocolate.

velvetblue88 likes this comment.


I like that! "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels." Going to print it out an tack it on my cube wall!

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