Breakfast is the hardest meal of the day for me. I like to hit the gym early because, let's face it, I just want to get it out of the way. The problem is, my gym opens at 6am, and my first class of the day is at 8am. Luckily my gym is right around the corner, but that still doesn't leave time for much other than rolling out of bed, working out for an hour, running home, and getting ready for school.
One solution might be to get up earlier to make breakfast, and have it waiting for me when I get back from the gym...but I honestly just don't want to get up any earlier than I have to.
There are so many quick things to make and eat, like cereal and instant oatmeal, etc., but if I eat cereal, I'm just hungry 2 hours later, besides, I get bored eating the same old thing everyday.
These make-ahead, freezer breakfast burritos are a pretty good fix for most of my issues. They are filling, quick to microwave, and easy to eat on the go! On the downside, I like to move a burrito from the freezer to the fridge the night before so that it is thawed by the morning (I haven't tried microwaving while frozen), and I occassionally wake up in the morning wanting a burrito, only to realize that I didn't put one in the fridge the night before :(
Without Further delay, here is the recipe.
This recipe makes 5 burritos.
1 onion (diced)
1 pkg Banquet Brown'n Serve Turkey sausage links (10 links) - chopped into little chunks while frozen
5 High Fiber Low Carb Tortilla Wraps (Ole Xtreme Wellness)
10 slices Provolone Deli Ultra Thin Cheese
15 Tbs. Egg Makers (It comes out to just about a cup)
1. Spray a pan with pam or similar.
2. Saute the onions until they begin to soften, then add the sausage chunks. Cook until sausage is warmed through and onions begin to brown.
3. Add eggs to onions and sausage. Stir continuously with spatula until eggs are thoroughly cooked.
4. Lay out 5 tortillas and place two pieces of cheese in the middle of each, slightly overlapping.
5. Spoon equal portions of the egg mixture right into the middle of the tortilla, on top of the cheese.
6. Roll into a burrito and wrap in saran wrap.
7. Freeze any that you intend to save for later.
Later, when you have allowed a burrito to defrost over night, microwave it for about 2-3 minutes in the morning. Be careful because there might be a little greasy from the sausage re-heating.
I'm going to make them again with bacon next time. So yummy.
Obviously you can substitute any ingredients you want. Peppers would be excellent.
I made 5 because I wanted to use the whole package of sausage at once, but you could also make them fresh every day, they don't take too long to prepare.
Calories 278
fat 10.7
saturated 4.7
cholesterol 43.3
sodium 848.3
potassium 235.7
carbs 20.6
fiber 9.7
sugars 2.3
protein 21.1
vit A 12%
vit C 4.8%
calcium 35.8%
iron 47.1%