Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Die...

Lose 4% in 4 weeks!

Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet

Aug 12 - Sep 08/Game has ended
Hosted by Lexi
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Aug 12





Join us to lose weight, share tips/recipes, giveaways & more!



Game Begins

Aug 12

Last Day to Join

Aug 25

Final Weigh-In

Sep 09 - Sep 10


Bet $35

to start

Lose 4%

in 4 weeks


Split the pot

How do you verify the weight loss?

For all official weigh-ins, you'll be prompted to submit your official starting weight. Our standard weigh-in process involves you submitting 2 photos: one of you standing on a scale in lightweight clothing (no shoes, hats, belts, watches, coats, or outerwear), and another of the scale’s readout with your weigh-in word written on a piece of paper.

What you'll need

  • A scale (preferably digital)
  • A digital camera or smartphone
  • A full-length mirror or someone to take your photo
  1. Privacy FAQ +
  2. How we prevent cheating +

Does this actually work?

Out of 1,039,224 DietBetters, 93.54% have lost weight during their challenges. Combined, they've lost 19,679,857 lbs and won $101,121,996. In other words...yes.

All results shown on DietBet are from actual users. Individual results may vary.

Don't take our word for it

Carla H.

08/27/2024 8:06AM
I’ve been stuck, with the scale moving up and down within a couple of pounds only. I started intermittent fasting again on 8/17 and am currently down about 6.5lbs. Of course I’m not down that much for the challenge, but right now I’ll take this. I’m in the 260s again, and hoping to be out of that soon, too! I eat between 11am-7pm, and do my best to track what I’m eating during that window, but I’m not super strict. I hover between 1700-2100 calories usually. My body just does so much better when I don’t eat at night. I’m also getting back into a gym routine which has to be helping, but I know the IF is a HUGE part of this. Hope everyone else is finding their way!

Claudia O. , Quisi and like this comment.

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Yes, I believe with IF your body has the time to "clean house" and your digestive system gets to rest. So awesome that it's working for you! I just recently started again, but more casually. I will fast until lunch on days that I'm working, I'm usually not hungry first thing anyway so it works out for me. Days that I'm not working I might have breakfast at 10 ish.

joanie d.

First time in my life I feel like I might have a little control. I’m going to the gym with a friend and she is pushing me to drink water, water, water. I don’t like water but I am seeing good results.

I’m here for you Carla, you can do it!!

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