Lose 3% in 4 Weeks

Lose 3% in 4 weeks!

Member only

Lose 3% in 4 Weeks

Feb 19 - Mar 18/Game has ended
Join another game







Feb 19



Play this easier game to lose 3% in 4 weeks, and kick off a month from now on a lighter note! Maximum weight loss allowed is 9%.



Game Begins

Feb 19

Last Day to Join

Mar 04

Final Weigh-In

Mar 19 - Mar 20

Shana Snacks

03/20/2025 7:42AM
Is anyone else getting an error message saying "full-body photo required" even though you're clearly including one?

EDIT: I was finally able to submit using the website instead of the app. So it seems it's the app that's an issue for some people. Maybe just me? LOL

Oh, and I made my weight by .1 lb!! Phew!

Megan M. likes this comment.

Allison B.

Congratulations!! I squeaked in as well! I have retake photos before because when I uploaded them, it didn’t look like everything was visible so I redid it to try to make sure and I only use the app

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