Allison B.

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Shana Snacks

03/20/2025 7:42AM in Lose 3% in 4 Weeks
Is anyone else getting an error message saying "full-body photo required" even though you're clearly including one?

EDIT: I was finally able to submit using the website instead of the app. So it seems it's the app that's an issue for some people. Maybe just me? LOL

Oh, and I made my weight by .1 lb!! Phew!

Megan M. likes this comment.

Allison B.

Congratulations!! I squeaked in as well! I have retake photos before because when I uploaded them, it didn’t look like everything was visible so I redid it to try to make sure and I only use the app

Penny G.

03/19/2025 4:16AM in Goal Crusher Transformer - Win a $500 Nike Gift Card
Positive thoughts as everyone weighs in. I made it to the goal for the month. It was by the skin of my teeth but I made it.

Kristine S. , Lisa Q. and like this comment.

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Lisa Q.

Same! Congratulations:)

Nikki T.

I did not make it…. I allowed myself to have too many treats at birthday parties and on vacation. But I’m determined to do better this month!

Allison B.

03/16/2025 6:03AM in Lose 3% in 4 Weeks
Whew! This is going to be sooo close. Currently in a battle of wills with the chocolate in my fridge! We square off each day and I am winning so far! Gave up sweets but luckily have some delicious honey bell oranges that are oddly more satisfying. Is my brain changing …? 😂

Shana Snacks , Megan M. , Jenni Vo and David M. like this comment.

Allison B.

03/16/2025 5:56AM in Goal Crusher Transformer - Win a $500 Nike Gift Card
So close to the goal- gave up sweets and have some chocolate in the door of the fridge. We are staring each other down every time I open the door. That’s right! I am winning! One might think “just throw them away” But that is a crime against the cocoa beans that gave their life! So the battle continues and I will prevail bwahahahaha!! (The struggle is real!😂)

Sandy , Lisa Q. , Nikki T. , Kristine S. and Penny G. like this comment.

Penny G.

I allow myself a small piece of chocolate a day. I love chocolate.

Penny G.

03/10/2025 6:26PM in Goal Crusher Transformer - Win a $500 Nike Gift Card
I think Day Light Savings time change is hard on a diet. I am so tired thst I want to snack to keep awake. Anyone else?

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Me too! This last week was not great. But I’m committed to better today and I want to keep it up through the weekend!

Lisa Q.

Yes it's always a struggle

Penny G.

03/05/2025 6:07PM in Goal Crusher Transformer - Win a $500 Nike Gift Card
Except for the fact that my husband uses the same scale, I would wonder if it is broken. I have gotten the same weight to the ounce at the last three weigh ins.

Hope everyone is doing well. Keep going, even when your scale is stupid!

Allison B. , Lisa Q. and Nikki T. like this comment.

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Penny G.

The thing that gets be about this is my husband uses the same scale and has steadily been dropping.

Allison B.

My scale is possessed! It’s like a conspiracy with my fat cells “hang on everyone, don’t panic! We have been through this before- don’t budge until forced!”


03/04/2025 4:59AM in Goal Crusher Transformer - Win a $500 Nike Gift Card
1/2 a pound from goal 2? Fingers crossed my Dad's surgery on Thursday doesn't spiral the emotional eating too much this week. Trying to stay busy and prep meals ahead!

Nikki T. , Penny G. and Lisa Q. like this comment.

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Allison B.

Agree completely with Mackenzie H - Hope all went well with your Dad and quick short walks will help. Take care!


Thanks all he is home recovering now and I managed to lose this week! Things are looking up.

Nikki T.

03/03/2025 8:43AM in Goal Crusher Transformer - Win a $500 Nike Gift Card
Hi, all! The last week has been a struggle. I’ve got my exercise routine down pat, but I’m having a really hard time avoiding snacking and overeating during some of my meals (mainly at home).

I’m focusing on doing all the things I know I should be doing… eating enough protein, drinking water all day, filling up on veggies, healthy carbs from veg, food prepping for breakfast and lunches, and I eat an apple when I am “starving”. I realize so much of the issue is mental and just bad habits. If I lived alone I wouldn’t have cheese-itz or chocolate chips or other tempting carbohydrates and sugar on the premises! It’s hard to resist cravings after a long day of working, parenting, house cleaning, stressing, adulting. Just being real!

How’s everyone else doing?

Penny G. and Sara P. like this comment.

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Allison B.

I struggle with these long games, make a round and then I go on a hiatus (?!) and/or like many- work too much and don’t prep well. I am back on track but need to find some time for more strenuous exercise!

Nikki T.

I get it!! 5:00-7:00 AM is my dedicated exercise time and I have found that just showing up every day is the biggest thing. Hope you find your groove!

David M.

02/25/2025 1:24PM in Lose 3% in 4 Weeks
Anyone have any healthy dinner suggestions?? Tired of eating the same thing lol.

David M. , Jenni Vo and Shellystarrr like this comment.

Allison B.

I make a roasted cauliflower and curry soup that is on eating I think it has 272 cal per serving and it is really delicious. And it will last a couple days The original recipe has white potatoes and sweet potatoes, but you can also sub butternut squash.

momma of eight

02/25/2025 12:37PM in Goal Crusher Transformer - Win a $500 Nike Gift Card
Hey every body! It’s my big 70 birthday

Penny G. , Sunny and like this comment.

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Lisa Q.

Happy Birthday!!!!

Allison B.

Happy Happy Birthday from all of us to youuuuu!! We wish it was our birthday so we could party toooo!!! Have a fantabulous day!! Congrats!!
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