Alan A.

Quick Facts

My Approach to Weight Loss: One day at a time!

DietBet Winnings: $48.20


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TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
Wed 02 OctFri 17 JulSun 30 AprTue 12 FebThu 26 NovSat 10 SepMon 24 Jun
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
+0.4% Since last weigh-in
0% 1-Month Change
-7.4% Lifetime Change

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06/05/2014 9:36AM
Thanks for doing another one!!

Alan A. likes this message.


11/26/2013 12:45PM
Thanks for creating this- I'll need it to get through all the goodies around in December!

Christina T.

11/26/2013 9:10AM
Hey Alan, Joined your bet--my first one :) Thanks for posting your photos, what a great inspiration!

Carrie S.

08/22/2013 8:03PM
Hey Alan, I am planning on joining your mid-September game but thought I would start an interim game to get back into good habits. I have not fallen off the wagon, I have fallen off and been run over two or three times! Are you interested??

Alan A.

Hey Carrie!! I know how you feel! I have been struggling lately too! Have you thought about maybe joining this game until mine starts back up? Tony is very inspirational!


07/29/2013 11:20AM
Who won the timer?

Alan A.

Lindsay Johnson :)

Susanne C.

07/15/2013 4:03PM
also meant to ask -- will you be hosting another diet bet game after this one? looking for another so I don't lose momentum when this one ends :)

belfastbiker likes this message.

Alan A.

I will but it most likely will not be starting until mid September! So you can wait for mine or you can choose another game to join, either way there will be a lot of options for you as far as games to join :)

Susanne C.

07/15/2013 4:01PM
You are doing great! Awesome job!!

Alan A.

Thank you Susanne!!! How are you doing?


06/26/2013 5:47AM
Thank you sooo much for asking us instagramers to join ya! I dodnt lose much the entire month of June (after losing 40 lbs from March to May). Dietbet was exactly what I needed to find my groove again! Down 4.4 lbs since my first weigh in!

Alan A.

Lindsay that is so awesome!!! I am proud of you! :)


Thanks Alan! :) I'm grateful for the motivation!

Donna Jean

06/24/2013 2:46PM
Great pictures, Alan! Congrats on your weight loss success.

Alan A.

Thank you Donna!!! Good luck to you this month! :)


06/19/2013 9:37AM
Hi Alan, I would like to join your diet bet but I've had a gastric sleeve. The rules state you can't have weight loss surgery during a game. I had it three weeks ago. Still, I know some people consider that cheating and wouldn't want to join if anyone feels uncomfortable with it. My challenge would be to not lose more than three times my goal. I completely understand if your group would rather I not join. Just thought I would ask. Thanks!

Alan A.

Hey Marla! I check the rules and it said that you can't have a procedure done during the game. Since you have already had it done and the game hasn't started you should be ok! Also FYI I don't consider surgery cheating, there are a bunch of ways to lose weight and you chose the best way for YOU. Proud of you for that! :)
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