
Quick Facts

Favorite Health Food: avocado

Favorite Sinful Food: ice cream

My Preferred Method of Exercise: walking and kettlebells

My Approach to Weight Loss: Paleo/Primal

My Diet Plan: Paleo Diet

Fitness/Exercise Apps: fitbit

Fitness Devices: FitBit

DietBet Winnings: $631.21

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Friends (12)

TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
GOAL WEIGHTThu 18 SepSat 07 MayMon 25 DecWed 14 AugFri 02 AprSun 20 NovTue 09 Jul
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
+1.5% Since last weigh-in
0% 1-Month Change
-12.3% Lifetime Change

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June D.

02/24/2014 10:35AM
wow, you are in a lot of games!! It helps to constantly have a weekly/semi-weekly weigh in that "counts". fun suggestions on your "what did you do to win month one?" question. let's do this thing! Month 2 going to be tougher to drop 6% total, but so far so good...


Hi June, It was all going well until the past two weeks. I don't think it's realistic for me to be dropping four percent in a month anymore; I have a bet ending tomorrow and I don't think I'll make it. I did not have a good weekend eating this weekend. Overall, I am finding this very motivating though!!!


02/23/2014 8:02PM
Hi Suzanna! I had no idea how to respond to your message on my cheer board, so I'll come here! I have had a crazy February, I'm working insanely for a project that will be done in 9 days, yay! I have not been doing well with the weight loss at all, I even stopped drinking, and …nothing! But, stress could be an issue. How are you? I hope your February is going well! I'm bummed I won't see you in Oxnard in April!

Suzannakins likes this message.


02/14/2014 11:15AM
Suz, Thanks for introducing us to DietBet...I love it! It was just the inspiration I needed. Playing has actually had an impact on my behavior...I really think about what I'm putting in my mouth. For example, yesterday I went to the movies and asked for a small popcorn (no butter of course). They offered to upgrade it to a medium for free. I said NO! Bam...saved 290 calories!

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I had been doing really well until the week of my birthday, when I fell off the wagon a bit. But I can only imagine what I would have done if I hadn't been using this website!


02/13/2014 8:40AM
Hi! I couldn't sign up for Feb but if you decide to do a new waist removal for March, let me know and I'll get back in. It was a fun group in Jan to be part of. Thanks.


That sounds great. I'll send you a message once I get it set up. I'm thinking it will probably start around the 5th or so, because the February one ends on the 4th. Keep going in the meantime

Karie T.

02/13/2014 6:47AM
Happy Birthday this week!!! Enjoy your prize and congrats.


That sounds great. I'll send you a message once I get it set up. I'm thinking it will probably start around the 5th or so, because the February one ends on the 4th. Keep going in the meantime!


Ack! I responded to the wrong post. Thank you for the birthday message!


02/07/2014 7:11PM
Congrats on your 5.3 lb. weight loss Brittany! You must be very excited! Keep up the great work. Thanks for joining "It's No Sin 2 Be Thin - Feb." It's going to be another great game. We always attract really motivated, perky people.

It was great getting to chat with you on the Monday networking call last week. Best of luck with your weight loss journey!


01/19/2014 11:21AM
Wow100% already!! Nice job!

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Karie T.

01/18/2014 2:43PM
Awesome progress! Keep up the good work!!!

Gailsy and Suzannakins like this message.


01/14/2014 4:28PM
Wow, you're already at 92% of your goal loss! Congrats!

Gailsy and Suzannakins like this message.

Glenna T.

01/09/2014 9:35AM
Hey Suzanna
I am in the process of changing my entire family over to Gluten Free/Paleo. It is a bit of a challenge but so far so good.
Love to share any recipes you may have.

Suzannakins likes this message.

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Everything I've made from her site, or her books Well Fed and Well Fed 2 has been really good. Well Fed 2 has tons of good recipes for meatballs/burgers/sausages (there are about fifteen different varieties that you then shape as you like).


Paleo Parents are a great online source too.
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