June D.

I would love to make goal weight and wear one size of clothing, instead of a 7 size range in my closet.

Quick Facts

Favorite Health Food: green chile omlette

Favorite Sinful Food: chocolate mousse boston cream tuxedocake

My Preferred Method of Exercise: walk/jog

My Approach to Weight Loss: tracking food, walking 4-6 miles per day

My Weight Loss Program: Weight Watchers

My Diet Plan: Weight Watchers

Fitness/Exercise Apps: Weight Watchers

Fitness Devices: ActiveLink

DietBet Winnings: $236.18

Recent Photos

Friends (15)

TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
GOAL WEIGHT - 129 lbsSun 28 SepMon 16 MayTue 02 JanWed 21 AugThu 08 AprFri 25 NovSat 13 Jul
120 lbs123 lbs126 lbs129 lbs132 lbs135 lbs138 lbs141 lbs144 lbs147 lbs
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
+0.3% Since last weigh-in+0.4 lbs
0% 1-Month Change0 lbs
-7.1% Lifetime Change-10.2 lbs

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Frances M.

04/22/2014 9:11AM
I signed up for ANOTHER.... I can DO it!

Frances M.

04/09/2014 7:20AM
Yes!!! You made it, too!!!


04/02/2014 12:42PM
Good Job June. I haven't checked in here for awhile because my husband and I went on trip to Belize for our 30th wedding anniversary. WHAT FUN! I missed the second round weigh in because of that. Just wondering, did you win? It looks like you should have made it. What was the prize last month? I gained 5 lbs on my 10 day vacation, but lost it all with in 4. Mostly salty foods and travel is my guess. glad to be back home and back at it. Keep up the good work!

Frances M.

03/14/2014 2:00PM
Hey! How's it going over there?? Hellooooo

Lisa R.

02/22/2014 7:56AM
Thank you for giving me the motivation to work out. I couldn't find my 20 minute turbo jam tape so I found another one and did 30 minutes instead. I'm so out of shape but feel so much better knowing I'm on the right path. Thank you!

June D. likes this message.

Lisa R.

02/21/2014 9:14AM
Congrats on your win for your other diet bet. How are your workouts going?

Frances M.

02/18/2014 9:13AM
June!! Congratulations on winning your first DietBet!! Woo hoo!!

Lisa R. and June D. like this message.

Frances M.

02/05/2014 8:29AM
I just realized it never posted my comment! Anyway, yesterday was a MUCH better day for me. Yay. Let's do this!!

June D. likes this message.

June D.

I know! I have a few that didn't post, too. Yay- on a few day in a row great calorie range. Lets keep a streak going !

Robin L.

02/05/2014 6:30AM
Thanks For checking in June:-) I've been using a crutch for a month due to injuries and past breaks to my right foot which caused left hip problems because I worked through it instead of letting it heal...all from long term steroid use :-(. Then I fell backwards out of my pantry shelf yesterday and am pretty banged up. I don't think I've broken anything but we will see. My bones are trashed from all the steroids they used to keep me alive. I'm just a few tiny bit away from goal this month and feel confident I can stay on track. I really, really miss getting that great workout in. This business of water aerobics and hand weights is ok but I can hardly wait until I'm able to just jog! I know it sounds silly but I think about it all the time. I have a physical therapist that is helping me work toward that goal but it will be awhile yet. It's been about five years since I did the drumstick dash Thanksgiving here in Indiana...only a 5K but so rewarding!

Robin L. likes this message.

June D.

Hi, Robin - wow, a long road for you. I mostly walk all my miles - I hope soon you will be able to add walking and that it will help strengthen your bones. Hang in there and win this game!!!

Frances M.

02/03/2014 10:59AM
Woo hooo!! June is a rock star! Congrats on finishing the half-marathon yesterday. : )

Robin L. and June D. like this message.

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