
Love to gamble need to lose 20 lbs would like to lose 35 :)

Quick Facts

Favorite Health Food: Broccoli

Favorite Sinful Food: Chocolate

My Preferred Method of Exercise: For a purpose

My Approach to Weight Loss: Ketosis

My Weight Loss Program: I don't follow a program

My Diet Plan: Ketosis

Fitness/Exercise Apps: My Plate

Fitness Devices: Ketonix and My Paleo Pal

DietBet Winnings: $289.13

Friends (12)

TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
GOAL WEIGHTSun 07 DecSun 17 JulSun 25 FebSun 06 OctSun 16 MaySun 25 DecSun 04 Aug
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
-0.5% Since last weigh-in
0% 1-Month Change
0% Lifetime Change

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Alyson G.

04/05/2014 6:25AM
Hi Marnicity. Welcome to dietbet - and to Paleo/Clean Eating! As for my tips, I would say leverage the people in your bet - we are all in this together and have the same overall goal just our path to get there might be different. For my paleo tips, I would start with a Whole30 which is 30 days where it is stricter than Paleo - specifically no paleofied treats or sweeteners such as honey. The beginning of the 30 days will most likely be tough but at the end you will feel much better and want to continue on the same path to make it a lifestyle instead of a diet. There are also some facebook pages I can recommend for support if you are on fb. There are also many sites for recipes as well.
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Alyson G.

Hi Marnie - the facebook groups I recommend are Post30 Paleo, Paleo/Whole30 Motivation Group, Whole30 Recipe Exchange, Whole 30 Paleo Challenge/Whole Life Challenge, and Whole30 2013. These groups are a great form of support - they post recipes, findings and are there to answer questions. For me the biggest change was planning and cooking - I never cooked so much as I do now. Sunday is usually my big cook day so that I have food prepped for the entire week - all meals so I'm not tempted. I also recommend the wellfed cookbooks - and many of the recipes are on her site, other sites are nomnompaleo and just to help you get started.


Thank you going to search and them today!