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lukas J.

09/10/2024 9:26AM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
Why do I have to resubmit? I made a photo of my scale with feet visable and a full body photo, weight is visable

Emilie T. , Myriam D. and Christina C. like this comment.

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Deb R.

When I've had to resubmit, they told me why. Mine was because my feet were not close enough together on my scale/Weight picture. I've played many dietbets and only had to resubmit 1 time. It's not a scam.

George P.

It is not a scam. Find out from the support what the issue is. I've won diet bets and only lost when I didn't make it. Stacey D is correct.


08/27/2024 11:27AM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
  • Giveaway for two winners of a $25 Amazon giftcard! To enter to win, leave below your favorite healthy kitchen tool to use or let us know what you'd buy with your winnings! All winners announced at the end of our game. Good luck!

Carla H. , Heather E. and like this photo.

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Stacey D.

Love my NutriBullet to make quick smoothies. If I win…I’ve been saving up to buy a walking pad. It will be my reward purchase once I am under 300 lbs (the max weight limit of the walking pad). I have 30 lbs to go.

Joseanne B.

My thermomix! Cooking is really easier with.

Ese E.

08/27/2024 7:16AM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
  • Lunches this week: ground turkey, brown rice, tomato and chili, broccoli and feta.

Jess G. , Quisi and like this photo.

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Looks delicious

haley f.

Looks yummy!

Christina C.

08/25/2024 6:12AM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
How is everyone doing? As of this morning I'm at 63% of my goal. Clothes are looser, and exercising is becoming something I want to do not something I have to do.
Does anyone else have fitness goals? I've recently set my eyes on running a marathon. I'm too out of shape to start now but long term. Training sounds like a nightmare but something says I should do it.

Melissa R. , Lisa K. and like this comment.

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Stacey D.

I’m at 49% with 7 lbs left to lose. My eating is on point but my self discipline to exercise regularly is severely lacking. My goal these next two weeks is to make working out a regular habit…at minimum 10 - 15 minutes per day. If you have a desire to run a marathon DO IT!! It does not need to be in your immediate future. Set small goals. Many towns have 5k turkey trots the week of Thanksgiving, you’d have 3 months to work up to it. That could be your first goal. We got this!

Sonya O.

71%. My fitness goal right now is to see the muscle I have been building for the last 2 years!

Stacey D.

08/24/2024 7:12PM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
  • Lately I’ve been eating less processed food and more whole foods. Attended a banquet today and made healthy choices at the lunch buffet. Then went for a 30 minute walk afterward. The pizza, beef tips in gravy, and mashed potatoes looked delicious but I resisted…I have goals to meet. Best of luck to everyone in meeting your goals this month!

Ese E. , Melissa R. and like this photo.

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Proud of you! It's not always easy, but it's always worth it!

Nate H.

Way to go!!! Keep it up

Melissa R.

08/22/2024 3:01AM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
Hey There!! Where is everyone else from?! Love that these bets bring people from all over together! I’ll start, I’m from Montana

Lissa , Lexi and like this comment.

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Nate H.

Indiana , always wanted to see Montana. Keep up the hard work


Australia :koala:

Sonya O.

08/21/2024 2:52PM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
Hi!! I just ended one bet and decided the best way to keep myself going is to jump right in to another!! My goal is to be under 140 for the first time in over a year. Good luck to everyone:)

MelissaVT , Lissa and like this comment.

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Stacey D.

Welcome to the group Sonya!


Good luck. You can do it

Emilie T.

08/21/2024 9:24AM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
  • Well, my grocery order came this morning. Thing is, I entirely forgot to go in and add the items I wanted so I ended up with whatever they had pre-loaded into my cart. It could be worse, though! At least they didn’t send a bunch of tempting snack food that would throw me off my game. I’ll pass the mushrooms on since I’m not a fan and I’m not sure what I’ll do with this entire bag of key limes, but I love cooking with fresh herbs and have been craving a BBQ sandwich so it all evens out in my book!

Lissa , Steffi and like this photo.

Stacey D.

A little tip for the mushrooms…If you are cooking any type of ground meat (beef, turkey, chicken, sausage), dice the mushrooms and add to the pan of raw meat. They will cook down really small and take on the flavor of any seasoning you add to the dish. You will never know they are in there.


Its a nice healthy option of grocery. You can find some recipes to use it. But yes its a lots of lime. You can always add them to water and have a flavour water

Van Post

08/19/2024 1:17PM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
  • Hi there,
    Here’s a salad I made the other day.
    I make a lot of different salads and other dishes.
    Feel free to follow me on Instagram.


Heather E. , Carla H. and like this photo.

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Mary B.


Stacey D.

Beautiful…A feast for the eyes and the stomach.

Stacey D.

08/18/2024 7:57PM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
  • Enjoyed a nice workout in the pool this evening.

Heather E. , Julia S. and like this photo.

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Well done

Lori In the Equation

Great job!
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