Losing weight in Africa

24 members $1,835.08 won 18.6 lbs


07/27/2020 3:46AM
After 4 months of lockdown my weight did the opposite of going down. I have picked up a whole 15 kgs. Time to get back to my goals - increase my exercise and eat better. Joining another bet may help a bit with my motivation. Next game starts on 3 August 2020.


02/13/2020 2:42PM
In the week-end before the completion of the two dietbets that I participated in, I had to travel. Travel always throw a spanner in the works. True to form I lost a bit of contol during the week end with my daughter's birthday. On Monday and Tuesday I reigned myself in again and with loads of water I managed to successfully achieve my goal on the last day of the weigh in. Great success to start the year. The weight loss is very motivational and the US$ 90 in my account is also nice.

During the upcoming week-end I will regroup and again focus on progress for the next month.

It is a life style that I have to adopt and not a magical short term fad diet.


01/26/2020 9:32AM
I am making good progress - I completed 3 weeks of the metabolic diet phase 1 and 2 days left of phase 2. The discipline comes easier now to make the right food and drink choices. 15 days left of the current dietbet games that I am part of and so far I am on track to hit the 4% weight loss goal.


01/12/2020 10:01AM
2020 has started and we have relocated to a different house. I have joined two Kickstarter games. For the next 2 weeks I wll be doing a 2 day detox and then 14 days very strict metabolic balance phase. Thereafter a more relaxed diet phase starts and after 2 weeks I will also start exercising again after slacking during the second part of 2019. That year was challenging and I lost focus on my goals. Here is to a refocus and achieving of my health goals during this year - Eat right, Sleep well and exercise regularly.


02/02/2019 2:26PM
Eish - I thought the weigh-in is on Monday morning, but it is tomorrow morning. I hope I make it!!


01/26/2019 2:07AM
I had a good week sticking to the eating plan and I lost another 0.7kg. Feeling great about starting my exercise routine. So far so good!!


01/16/2019 2:15PM
Making good progress. I am sticking with my eating plan for the past 2 weeks and I have lost 1.7kg so far over the past two weeks. As most of that must have been water, I think the pace of losing weight will now slow down. Nice and steady is how I want to go forward. . .


01/04/2019 12:35PM
Just entered another game. Working on improving some health habits. All of the best for the New Year to you all.


11/27/2018 10:20PM
Eish - I lost 2.1 kg, but I did not make the goal. At least I contributed to the winnings. I will be back in another bet soon . . .


10/28/2018 3:28PM
I have not been active on the DietBet site in a while. I have entered a kick start bet for October to get a bit of discipline back into my world . . . here goes to nothing. How are all of you doing??