Dirty 30s

215 members $73,908.36 won 1,269.2 lbs

Laura H.

07/17/2017 8:27AM
Hey new pals! I'm Laura, Just turned 32, and about 45 lbs overweight. I have yo-yo'd like crazy lately and just want to finally go down and keep it down. I just signed up for 3 concurrent diet bets, which I've never done before. The stakes are higher now, so no excuse can keep me from this round!

Also, I'm starting to document this weight loss journey on Instagram. LauraLevelsUp is the name, being the nerd that I am. Feel free to follow and I'll do the same! Cheers and good luck!

Stephanie likes this comment.


Our game "Weapons of A$$ Reduction" is about to end so that means we are ready for the next challenge!! Check out "Scrambled Legs and Achin" at this link--> http://dbet.me/B2GOs1
4% in 4 weeks to either kick start your weight loss journey or pick up where you left off and continue pushing to your next goal! $20 entry and lots of chances for participation prizes!!!!! All my participants are finishing a game so no one has signed up yet because they will be using their rewards to pay for the next one! My tribe is on a roll and losing an average 5lbs a game!!! COME JOIN US!!