Dirty 30s

215 members $73,908.36 won 1,269.2 lbs


04/16/2018 5:45AM
Hey Dirty 30, I just created my first Dietbet, join me...http://dbet.me/LKGv2r. Lets motivate each other and get moving

Carol w.

04/12/2018 9:51PM
What’s this group all about

Nicole W.

01/08/2018 5:56AM
Anyone else on here feel like when 30 hit your body decided to give you the finger and retain everything you ate. Here's to fighting back!

zodiggity, anon-a8467ea5-4595-4873-a806-57156510af3a@097df1f2-0d4d-4cdf-a5bf-5749a66e76af.anon and like this comment.

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I used to drop weight barely trying. Now, all of a sudden, I have to SLAVE for it. Grrrrrrrrrr.


I know this was months ago, but YESSS.. If I ran and ate well for couple days straight before.. pounds just DROPPED. I am doing keto now and I have had to be so damn patient to see the weight slowly come off. Def feeling my 30's more than ever. I am 33 this November =(


12/26/2017 1:06PM
  • Hello everyone! I just started a Vegan Kickstarter for the New Year! It starts on January 1st! All are welcome, including current vegans or just those just looking to learn more about the lifestyle. Come join in on the fun and share recipes and support with other plant-powered friends! :) Here's the link: https://www.dietbet.com/games/104013/activity


12/03/2017 8:03PM
Hello! I just joined Diet Bet, for a Transformation... Starting at 211... my goal is 145. It's crazy how weight loss can creep up over time... changes and clothes not fitting over time not really realizing that I'm actually gaining weight, until it's too late and I find myself 50 pounds heavier than I was when I already thought I needed to lose 10 pounds or so.

I'm not telling anyone I know that I'm doing this because I would rather make progress and get compliments on it... but that also means I don't have anyone to talk to about it! So I thought maybe joining this group (I'm 34) would help. I'm also 34 and single and I'm pretty sure that I'm not likely to find a partner until I get this whole weight thing under control because I am just not happy with my body. I'm not happy with how I look or my inability to be active like I used to be. You don't know what you got til it's gone... I wish I realized that I was in the best shape of my life 6 years ago and kept it going but, after 1 good year and then 5 years of not taking care of myself, a bad relationship that made me kind of blind to how far I slipped... I find myself feeling blech. Ready for change. I'm also doing a TEDx talk soon and I'm gonna be recorded and put on YouTube... I thought that would have been enough to kick my butt into making a change but... I only have a month left and didn't make a dent over the last 5 months. I don't want to wait to hit rock bottom, for the scale to creep up even higher... I never thought I'd go over 200 pounds and here I am...

So... anyway... hi, I'm excited to bet on myself, and keep my goals to myself and have some integrity and do the thing that I say I'm gonna do... to myself because if I won't do what I tell myself I will do, why would anyone else trust what I will say. I'm tired of being co-dependent on other people and doing things because other people want me to... I want to stick up for myself in this world where we really are alone no matter what.

End rant-hi!

Ashlei B. and BluFoxxe like this comment.

Sarah C.

I relate. The day I joined my first dietbet was the day I hit 198 when I woke up in the morning (usually my lightest). Half the pants in my closet didn't fit, the other half were new-ish and a size or two bigger than the others, and it was just a few weeks before Christmas... I knew the eating would just continue and even be encouraged because "it's the holidays!". That first kickstarter has ended, and I joined a transformer.. because that's really what I need. That will take me to where I was the year I turned 30 and ran a half marathon. I'll take that body back, and would eventually like to hit the 50 lbs mark for weight loss. I'll help you if you help me!


11/06/2017 12:32PM
Thanksgiving is a time to let loose and enjoy those holiday sweets, the big dinners and of course LEFTOVERS!!! Then, more holiday sweets right up until the New Year comes and so do the weight loss resolutions! Why not kick start that food baby you gained and get rid of that 4% before Christmas Day! This challenge starts right after Thanksgiving and ends so that you can give yourself the gift of a healthier you, some extra cash and a chance at my holiday prizes!!!! Come join my game and my crew! A positive and supportive group with a smaller community of people that actively post and your comments don't get lost in the mix! Share with your friends and sign up today so you can enjoy Thanksgiving knowing you have a plan already set into motion!

laurafee likes this comment.


10/23/2017 11:00AM
Already in a DietBet? Did you know you could be in up to 3 kickstarters?? So join ours its SCRAMBLED LEGS & ACHIN' http://dbet.me/B2GOs1
Click below if you are already in a challenge, and it ends around the same time, join for more prizes and cash return!!! I HAVE PRIZES GALORE!!! JOIN US TODAY!!!


10/07/2017 11:10AM
Our game "Weapons of A$$ Reduction" is about to end so that means we are ready for the next challenge!! Check out "Scrambled Legs and Achin" at this link--> http://dbet.me/B2GOs1
4% in 4 weeks to either kick start your weight loss journey or pick up where you left off and continue pushing to your next goal! $20 entry and lots of chances for participation prizes!!!!! All my participants are finishing a game so no one has signed up yet because they will be using their rewards to pay for the next one! My tribe is on a roll and losing an average 5lbs a game!!! COME JOIN US!!

Jen B.

07/31/2017 1:47PM
Hi everyone - I'm 34 years old and currently living in New Zealand (though I'm a Brit and studied in Indiana, so a bit of a globetrotter really!) So far, I would describe my thirties as.....podgy. I got married four years ago, and have been in honeymoon mode ever since. My husband is 6 ft 8 and I've been enjoying cooking him lots of delicious meals, sharing bottles of wine at night and going out for dinners etc. However, it has finally dawned on me that I cannot eat the same portions as a very tall, active man and expect to remain a reasonable weight!! Working from home also hasn't helped. I didn't realise how much of an impact that work structure and having people around has on healthy eating, but it definitely does. Anyway, it's time for everything to change. I'm doing one kickstarter and a transformer and feeling very excited and confident :)

Stephanie and Dani like this comment.


Hope your first one went well...are you still looking for motivation??
Our game "Weapons of A$$ Reduction" is about to end so that means we are ready for the next challenge!! Check out "Scrambled Legs and Achin" at this link--> http://dbet.me/B2GOs1
4% in 4 weeks to either kick start your weight loss journey or pick up where you left off and continue pushing to your next goal! $20 entry and lots of chances for participation prizes!!!!! All my participants are finishing a game so no one has signed up yet because they will be using their rewards to pay for the next one! My tribe is on a roll and losing an average 5lbs a game!!! COME JOIN US!!

Laura H.

07/17/2017 8:27AM
Hey new pals! I'm Laura, Just turned 32, and about 45 lbs overweight. I have yo-yo'd like crazy lately and just want to finally go down and keep it down. I just signed up for 3 concurrent diet bets, which I've never done before. The stakes are higher now, so no excuse can keep me from this round!

Also, I'm starting to document this weight loss journey on Instagram. LauraLevelsUp is the name, being the nerd that I am. Feel free to follow and I'll do the same! Cheers and good luck!

Stephanie likes this comment.


Our game "Weapons of A$$ Reduction" is about to end so that means we are ready for the next challenge!! Check out "Scrambled Legs and Achin" at this link--> http://dbet.me/B2GOs1
4% in 4 weeks to either kick start your weight loss journey or pick up where you left off and continue pushing to your next goal! $20 entry and lots of chances for participation prizes!!!!! All my participants are finishing a game so no one has signed up yet because they will be using their rewards to pay for the next one! My tribe is on a roll and losing an average 5lbs a game!!! COME JOIN US!!