Fit by 50

39 members $10,394.63 won 223.6 lbs

Rochelle B.

04/29/2018 7:30PM
Just joined a transformer group. Less than a year to go until I'm 50 and I'm determined to go into my 50's FIT. I was on a cheat-free Keto diet for a full year and lost 40 lbs but I fell off the bandwagon and gained 16 back. Anyone else here on Keto?


10/23/2017 11:03AM
Already in a DietBet? Did you know you could be in up to 3 kickstarters?? So join ours its SCRAMBLED LEGS & ACHIN'
Click below if you are already in a challenge, and it ends around the same time, join for more prizes and cash return!!! I HAVE PRIZES GALORE!!! JOIN US TODAY!!!


10/18/2017 10:27AM
Our game has just started Its called "Scrambled Legs & Achin'" Come join us bet $20 and get that 4% off in 4 weeks!! You still have plenty of time to join a supportive, motivational game with some amazing people! We are 4 months strong and not stopping there! 4% is enough to push yourself in the right direction and get that weightloss journey on a downward slope as in the weight going down!!!! We have prizes!!!!!!!! I love motivating and want to make the game more fun and personal and motivating...Invite your friends!!

Sandra A.

08/30/2017 9:45AM
Day 2 feeling very optimistic. Will try to stay extra busy to add some activity beyond my walking.

Sandra A.

08/29/2017 12:02PM
I am determined to be healthy by 50. Wish I had known that age alone kicks your butt, and if you didn't treat your body with the respect it deserves, it is even worse. Started a transformer today. Walked 2.6 miles and counting calories. Need to lose 5.5 lbs to reach first goal. Woo Hoo! Let's do this!


06/06/2017 5:12PM
Happy Birthday to me! Today is my 50th birthday! To celebrate the Big 5 - 0, I am going to eat only raw foods for the next 50 days, starting from tomorrow, June 07, 2017. Lots of yummy fresh fruits, rainbow salads, and green smoothies for 50 days! You are welcome to join me for part or all of my raw journey!

Sandra A. likes this comment.

Julie M.

05/18/2017 8:26AM
Hi all, so glad to find this group, I'll be 50 next year and one big goal that I intend to hit is to run the 5k in a huge local race. I hope we can encourage each other and give each other advice on what works for us. I definitely notice when I eat clean(no processed foods) that the weight seems to come off easier. But also that the scale is not the be all end all and you need to take measurements or at least see how your clothes fit. Muscle weighs a lot and the more muscle you have, the more fat it will burn.
Cheryl W., I agree, we need to liven up this group a little. 25 lbs is awesome! I also have lost about 30 lbs, it's been slow but it's still off and I'm still moving forward. Not sure if I have a definite weight loss goal in terms of lbs but I would like to be a size 10 by October for my daughter's wedding. I know I can do it.


04/11/2017 8:21PM
Hoping that this becomes a more active group than what I see in the activity posts because what I do see is inspiring and relatable and it would be a shame if it wasn't. I've lost about 25 lbs as I am ending my first Transformer, just began my second Transformer, and started my second StepBet, but still need to lose another 50 lbs at the age of 45 - closest to 50 that I have ever been. ;)

Rhonda C.

08/27/2016 3:26PM
Just signed up for DietBet #2, I'm excited to continue this journey. My other goal for the next four weeks is to keep walking a mile everyday, yoga once or twice a week and regular gardening/yard work. I have promised myself if I do these things and hit my personal goal for DietBet #2 then I'm going to buy myself a FitBit.


Hi Rhonda, I just completed my 1st DB successfully and am 1 month into my 2nd DB. The 1st round I hit my goal with strictly dieting. My goal is to be more active and exercise regularly.

Rhonda C.

I am half way through my second DB and I was telling my mom, part of my struggle is when you're "being active" it seems like you are always doing something! When do you get to sit and do nothing? ;-) I have to remind myself 'lifestyle change' not temporary change. I did get a Fitbit last week and my goal this week is to hit 10000 Monday - Friday AND fit in an hour of yoga twice this week.


08/06/2016 6:31PM
Hi! I just joined DietBet and signed up for my first games (3 of them). I've done something similar to this app with a group of friends, and actually WON (by losing 12% of my body weight), but I have put all the weight back on. Now I'm doing it AGAIN, and want to make this the last time. I'm 48 1/2 years old--- it's not going to get any easier by waiting! -Carol