Black Girls Workout TOO

59 members $10,888.43 won 274.7 lbs


03/15/2017 11:02AM
(I did post this same question in another community if you have any advice I would love to hear it.)
Hey Ladies! I just joined my first dietbet, I am super excited and hope this is the kick I need to really follower through on finally becoming the best me that I can be.

I have one issue though, I am a live in Caregiver for 3 to 4 days out of the week so though I can control my eating habits (really hard because my client loves fattening food and loves the way I cook) I will not be able to workout for those 3 to 4 days.

Any advice?


I suggest you meal prep ... and treat your self once every two weeks to a meal that you desire ( don't go over board) and your days off you have to go hard on your workouts .